
March 27, 2020

Jeff Pulver

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My Own Private Revolution a non-linear non-story story/documentary on Jeff Pulver – who is Jeff Pulver? that’s a good question – Jeff Pulver is one of these Don Quijotesque characters who single handedly took on battles that others thought were windmills, but were ahead of their time, among them the battle with the telcom industry that changed how we communicate and won! now he is taking on the ultimate battle with himself with the YOU that is you and me.

Note: My Own Private Revolution as you move in and out of Jeff Pulver-ism worlds – I have known jeff since 1995ish and one thing I can say to prepare you for this adventure is to understand jeff is not to understand him, just suspend your mind and go with the flow and resist resistance and you just might discover the unimaginable – another way to think about it, remember when you were a kid and you held your breath and eventually you had to let go, and breathe… well maybe every time you think you have got a hold on who Jeff Pulver is… when you let go, you just might be closer to who he is then when you were holding on – to contact Jeff.Pulver (at) my email geo (at) My Own Private


more images and slide show here

you can raise video quality to 1080p or 720 after clicking on the play button there is a button that pops up below the time line that says change quality and also depending on bandwidth you can watch in 1080 HD format

NOTE: please reload if youtube videos doesn’t show up below
5/17/2013 – 3 videos in this playlist will play one after the other

5/20/2013 obsession and his relationship to obsession and life will play one after the other – walk and talk with jeff about this and that and everything in between – and – 2 videos in playlist

How We Communicate – Pulver-HWC Promo
Jeff Pulver 2/12/2016

jeff pulver-exercising judgement How We Communicate- test promos- good

jeff pulver-exercising judgement How We Communicate- 3/28 & 29/2016 -trip to Boston

jeff pulver – breakfast crypto talk 11-20-2017

jeff pulver – misc needs processing -from 2009 to 2016 very partial list

contact geogeller (at)

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